Friday July 26th. 2024 6.10 pm. The Weather: 17°C. Showers, sunny spells.

Greenhowe Luxury Lodges & Caravans
Delightful Lake District Cottage
Keith Melling Studio Gallery

Today's Photographs

Rose Castle Cottage


sunshine at Tarn Hows, but a big shower across Wetherlam








Red Screes


fortunately for us (Ruby hates getting wet) the shower passes towards Langdale and Grasmere. Just a few drops on the tarns


not all bad news, over Grizedale.


Lake road in the village, full of folk at 5.30 waiting for the Montane Lakeland 100 and 50 mountain marathon start


at 6 pm.

Your messages are very important to me, please send an email to:

>>Hi Tony, You caught the long shadows tuesday morning. I always feel a bit of one-up-man-ship when I catch the long shadows from the northeast at the height of summer. It makes me feel I am the only one out of bed that early in the day. Best Wishes, Lena in Somerset.

Disclaimer - 'THE WEATHER' is only my personal opinion - when you next come to the Lakes and get sunburnt (or soaked ) - the author of this page bears absolutely no responsibility. You are welcome to copy any of these pictures for your own use, but please credit the photographer, Tony Richards, or add a link to these pages. The camera is a Panasonic Lumix TZ70. Sometimes a nearly new Fujifilm HS20EXR bridge.

For a more accurate forecast; try the Lake District Fell Top Weather conditions on 0844 846 2444 or BBC weather

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This week on the Cam
The Hileys - Loweswater Cam
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Arthur Ashe

Photographs & website copyright Tony Richards 1998 - 2024. All Rights Reserved.